Dienstag, 02.10.2018 / 23:27 Uhr

Solidarität mit den streikenden LKW-Fahren im Iran

Eine Petition zur Solidarität mit den streikenden Lastwagenfahrern im Iran:

In the last week of May, Iranian truckers went on an unprecedented nationwide strike protesting low wages, skyrocketing cost of transportation, high cost of commissions, governmental corruption, and the cessation of government subsidies for insurance. President Rohani’s administration began a dual policy to tackle the issue. On the one hand, it made false promises of imminent raise in wages and financial relief, and, on the other hand, it recruited intelligence and security forces to crack down on the protesting truckers and their organizers.

Once it became apparent that the empty government promises would not materialize, truckers began another widespread strike that is now in its sixth day. Truckers are also demanding subsidies for parts and tires and have warned of unsafe and neglected road conditions. They have also demanded relief from tolls. Lack of availability and affordability of proper tires threatens the safety of truckers and other motorists.

The Islamic Republic has treated the truckers only with wanton force through threats and arrests. Nearly 40 truckers and activists have thus far been detained in different provinces including Fars and Qazvin.

We demand that all related international agencies and labor unions including, International Transport Workers Federation, International Trade Union Confederation, and International Brotherhood of Teamsters to stand in solidarity with the Iranian truckers and have their voice heard by the international community.