Sonntag, 11.02.2018 / 00:00 Uhr

Wofür man in Saudi-Arabien verhaftet wird

Neuerdings droht einem in Saudi Arabien Verhaftung wenn man sich .... gegen die Normalisierung der saudisch-israelischen Beziegungen stark macht:

A Saudi activist, who questioned the normalisation of ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel, has been detained in her home country, and could face up to five years in prison, a UK-based rights group said. 

Noha al-Balawi has reportedly been under detention in the northwestern region of Tabuk for more than two weeks, ALQST, a group advocating for human rights in Saudi Arabia, said on Thursday.

According to ALQST, al-Balawi was asked to report to a police station in Tabuk on January 23, only to be arrested, and has been detained ever since.

Authorities reportedly questioned al-Balawi about her social media activities, including posts questioning the normalisation of ties between her country and Israel, the rights group said. 

In one video clip widely circulated on social media, Balawi declared, "Normalisation means accepting the occupation", in reference to Israel's continued control of Palestinian land.