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Donnerstag, 18.06.2020 / 19:12 Uhr

Erklärung kurdischer Parteien in Syrien

Rival Kurdish groups in northeastern Syria said they had reached an initial agreement for what has long been an elusive goal — Kurdish unity — today, calling it “a significant historical step.” The announcement by opposition parties operating under the umbrella of the Kurdistan National Council (KNC) and those allied with the ruling Democratic Unity Party (PYD) follows US-mediated talks that began in April at a US military base outside the Kurdish-controlled city of Hasakah.

Sonntag, 14.06.2020 / 15:41 Uhr

Irakische Hizbollah droht USA

Und wieder große Worte und Gebärden:

Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah, one of the many Shia militias affiliated with Iran, has once again threatened the United State to withdraw its troops from Iraq or “pay a heavy price”.

The threatening came only hours after two Katyusha rockets were fired at Camp Taji, north of Baghdad, where the US forces and Iraqi troops are stationed.