Freitag, 02.03.2018 / 12:22 Uhr

Afrin: Türkei bombardiert Assad-Loyalisten

Letzte Nacht tötete die türkische Luftwaffe erstmals auch mit der YPG-Verbündete Milizionäre des Assad-Regimes:

Turkish air strikes have killed at least 14 fighters deployed by the Syrian government in support of Kurds battling Turkish-led rebels in the northwestern enclave of Afrin, a monitor said Friday.

Three Kurdish fighters were also killed in the strikes late Thursday on the village of Jamma in the enclave on the Turkish border, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. (...)

YPG spokesman in Afrin, Birusk Hasakeh, said Turkish warplanes targeted the positions of fighters linked to the Syrian army in Jamma, causing casualties, but did not provide a precise toll.

Pro-regime fighters are present on several fronts in the enclave, according to the Kurds.

Turkey suffered heavy losses in Afrin on Thursday. The military said eight soldiers were killed and 13 wounded.