Dienstag, 23.10.2018 / 07:49 Uhr

Internationale Solidarität mit streikenden Lastwagenfahrern im Iran

Seit Tagen streiken im Iran erneut Lastwagenfahrer. Inzwischen gibt es auch international einige Solidarität, vor allem angesichts einer Drohung, die Streikenden müssten hingerichtet werden:

More international bodies have lent their voices in defense ofIranian truckers who are on strike, demanding that their hardship be addressed.

In a letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the International Confederation of Trade Unions -- along with four other labor unions with more than 200 million total members -- expressed its "deep shock" over recent comments by an official from the city of Qazvin threatening truckers with the death penalty.

Acting Chief Prosecutor Mohsen Karami cautioned the truckers on strike that if they were found guilty of "fighting against God," capital punishment would await them.

This is blatantly against international law and unacceptable in any society, the letter said, adding that it is deeply shocking to see a labor force being threatened with the death penalty for demanding their due rights. (...)

The other signatories are the International Federation of Trade Unions, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF);Education International; and the International Industries Union;the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco, and Allied Workers' Associations.