Aus dem Netz

Der höchste diplomatische Vertreter der Bundesregierung im Iran – Botschafter Michael Klor-Berchtold – trifft sich mit Ebrahim Raisi, dem Schlächter des Evin-Gefängnisses und berüchtigten Massenmörder. Und es kommt noch schlimmer: Der deutsche Diplomat muss sich dabei Vorhaltungen anhören, die EU und besonders die Bundesrepublik solle nicht den USA folgen, wenn es um weitere Sanktionen gegen den Gottesstaat wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Entwicklung von Raketentechnologie und Kriegstreiberei in der Region des Mittleren Ostens geht.

The Mauritanian Radio and Television Broadcast Authority today ordered Mauritania's five privately owned news stations to shut down for "failing to fulfil their financial agreements" with the country's broadcast regulator, local 

Die internen Differenzen kurdischer Parteien im Irak erklärt: "We can essentially forget about the KRG as a cohesive, policy-making, security-implementing government. It does not exist in any real sense," he said. "You have a rump KDP-dominated government in Erbil and you have the PUK in Suleimaniyah which is now more or less fully on board with the federal government."

Istanbul ranked as the 10th worst megacity for women and the sixth worst when it came to women at risk of sexual violence and harassment, according to the first international experts’ poll on how women fare in cities with over 10 million people. The Thomson Reuters Foundation survey asked experts in women’s issues in 19 megacities how well women are protected from sexual violence and oppressive practices, as well as whether they have access to good healthcare, finance and education.

Was geschah am 16.10.2017, der wohl als einer der schwärzesten Tage in die Geschichte Kurdistans eingehen wird, in Kirkuk? Seth Frantzman sucht nach Antworten während inzwischen sämtliche von den Kurden seit 2014 kontrollierten Gebiete weitgehend kampflos an irakische Truppen übergeben wurden.

Alle hatten es befürchtet und bis zuletzt gehofft, dass es nicht passiert: Iraqi and Kurdish forces exchanged artillery fire early Monday (October 16) south of the city of Kirkuk, after central government forces began a "major operation" to take control of a Kurdish military base and oil fields.

Wie das Referendum in Irakisch-Kurdistan hätte verhindert werden können? Indem die USA ein paar Tage früher einen Brief an Barzani abgeschickt hätten.

Nabeel Khoury über die Entwicklung in Marokko:

Für Foreign Policy hat Peter Tinti in Libyen recherchiert, welche Folgen die Flüchtlingspolitik der EU hat: In Libya, these policies have empowered militias and criminal syndicates that have allied themselves with the U.N.-backed government and lined up for European largesse.

In der libyschen Hafenstadt Sabrata sind Tausende Migranten in Lagern entdeckt worden. Mehr als 4.000 Menschen seien an verschiedenen Stellen in der Küstenstadt Sabrata westlich von Tripolis eingepfercht gewesen, unter ihnen Schwangere und Kinder, sagte Saleh Graisia, der Sprecher der gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" kämpfenden Truppe Operation Room. Er warf der Al-Ammu-Miliz vor, die Migranten festgehalten zu haben, um sie später über das Mittelmeer zu schleusen.

Kamel Daoud schreibt über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Tunesien, Jordanien, Saudi Arabien und Marroko:  

September has been the deadliest month in Syria's civil war so far this year, a monitoring group has said.  The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said more than 3,300 people had died in September, including 995 civilians. Of those civilian deaths, it said about 70% were caused by Russian, Syrian government, or coalition air strikes.  The group bases its casualty reports on information provided by a network of activists in Syria.

The Iraqi government cut autonomous Kurdistan's direct air links with the outside world indefinitely on Friday, partially isolating the northern region after it voted a massive "yes" in an independence referendum.   The move increases the pressure on the Iraqi Kurds amid soaring regional tensions following Monday's non-binding but deeply contentious vote.   Washington said it did not recognise the "unilateral" referendum and urged all parties to reject the use of force and engage in dialogue.

Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that it would allow women to drive, ending a longstanding policy that has become a global symbol of the repression of women in the ultraconservative kingdom. The change, which will take effect in June of next year, was announced on state television and in a simultaneous media event in Washington. The decision highlights the damage that the no-driving policy has done to the kingdom’s international reputation and its hopes for a public relations benefit from the reform.

Über das Dilemma amerikanischer Iran- und Nahostpolitik schreibt Andreas Rüesch in der NZZ: