Dienstag, 30.05.2023 / 22:47 Uhr

Israel vertieft seine Beziehungen mit Aserbaidschan

Bildquelle: Jewish Journal

In den letzten Jahren haben sich die Beziehungen zwischen Aserbaidschan und Israel kontinuierlich verbessert. Unter anderem liefert Israel auch Waffensysteme wie Drohnen an das Land, das diese wohl auch gegen Armenien zum Einsatz brachte. Nun statte auch der israelische Präsident dem Land einen Besuch ab;

Israeli President Isaac Herzog landed in Azerbaijan on Tuesday in the latest stage of a very public evolution of ties between the two countries. 

Herzog, who is travelling with his wife, met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Baku at the Zugulba presidential palace. Israel's Health and Interior Minister Moshe Arbel also accompanied Herzog. 

The visit will see a bilateral agreement signed between Israel and Azerbaijan on cooperation in healthcare. Aliyev announced that the sides were also very actively cooperating in the field of cyber security, without providing further details.

In addition to official meetings, Herzog is expected to attend a festive event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Israel, and will meet with activists of the local Jewish community.

While no big decisions are expected to be announced, the pace at which the relationship is flourishing more broadly is an indication of the political commitment both sides are making towards each other.